Location: Lake Hazel and Victory
Would you like to learn and try out 3D printing? Please schedule an appointment.
Locations: Star & Victory
Ask a professional librarian for assistance with your research questions! Schedule an appointment for a one-on-one session.
Location: All Branches
Prices are $0.10 per page for black and white and $0.25 per side for color.
Location: Victory
Have old media formats? Request an appointment to use our conversion equipment to save them in digital format.
Location: Hidden Springs
Request books you would like to check out on your card for classroom use or display purposes. Please submit requests 10 days in advance and upon arrival, books will be held for one week.
Location: All Branches
Faxing is available at the library. The price is $0.50 per page.
Location: Lake Hazel
Reserve a time to use our recording studio made possible with support from Together Treasure Valley. Studio features a variety of equipment and Adobe Creative Suite. Compact but expandable for a band set-up or other larger space needs. Great for capturing oral history, podcasts, music and more.
Location: Lake Hazel, Star, and Victory
Fill out the form to request the use of one of the library’s rooms.
Location: All Branches
Interested in having the library come to you? Please tell us more information about which services you would like.
Location: All Branches
Scanning is free at the library. Scans may be saved to a flash drive or sent to an email address.
Location: Lake Hazel, Star, and Victory
Do you need help with computers or some other piece of technology? Schedule an appointment for a one-on-one session with a Tech Coach.
Location: Lake Hazel, Star, and Victory
Reserve a time to use our video conferencing equipment; including 27″ monitor, webcam, and speakerphone. Great for group meetings, telehealth appointments, use with the Ada County Sheriff’s Virtual Visitation system and more!