The library may employ surveillance cameras as one of a number of measures to preserve a safe and secure environment for our patrons and staff. These devices are intended to help protect library materials and property from theft and vandalism and to assist law enforcement officials in identifying individuals who may be in violation of the law or of the library’s Patron Rights and Responsibilities policy. Signs will be posted at library entrances to inform users that cameras may be present. Cameras will not be used in restrooms.
Approved by the Board of Trustees, September 18, 2012
Ada Community Library Circulation Policy
- Documentation
To be eligible for an Ada Community Library card, applicants must provide photo identification and proof of residency in the form of either:
- A current driver’s license OR
- Some form of photo I.D. along with printed or digital (not handwritten) material showing the applicant’s name and address. This can include-but is not limited to-canceled mail, personal checks, pay stubs, bills, insurance statements, or renter’s agreements.
- Age
- Only persons 18 years of age or older may sign up for a card.
- Minor applicants must provide proof of parental consent in the form of either:
- A legal guardian’s signature and driver’s license number on the card application.
- A legal guardian’s verbal consent and driver’s license number given by phone to an ACL staff member.
- Upon submission of a minor’s application, the legal guardian may add additional individuals to whom information concerning the minor’s account will be given, and to whom notice regarding the account will be addressed.
- Residency
- Residents of the following library service areas are eligible for a free library card per ACL district residency, Open Access Agreement, or Consortium sub-agreeement:
- Ada Community Library
- Boise Public Library
- Caldwell Public Library
- Garden City Library
- Kuna Library District
- Meridian Library District
- Nampa Public Library
- Residents of other Consortium library service areas must go to their “home” library to obtain a free card, which may then be used at any Consortium library.
- Residents of other counties and noncontiguous Ada county areas not covered by Consortium members are required to purchase and out-of-district (OOD) card.
- An OOD card will cost an amount to be determined each year by the Library Board, based on the most current Ada County average property assessment. An OOD card expires after one year. The OOD fee must be paid again upon renewal each year. A biannual card may be issued with a prorated fee.
- Seniors (62 years of age or older) are entitled to a reduced rate OOD card, good for one year, for $25.00 per year, or may be issued a biannual card with a prorated fee. Senior household (one fee) is defined as a senior and legal spouse.
- Patrons are required to pay only one OOD fee per family, while each family member may have their own card under that one fee.
1. A family is defined as a patron, the patron’s legal spouse, and their minor children. Any other adults that may be living in the household must pay a separate OOD fee to receive a card (including grandparents and children over 18). - Residents of other Consortium districts who choose not to receive a free card from their home library may purchase an OOD card from ACL.
- Nonresidents who own property in ACL district may be issued a courtesy OOD card based on their property tax payment in our district.
- Checkout limits per card
- On each card at an ACL district location, a patron may check out up to: An unlimited number of books out at any one time, with particular item material limits to be determined by library management.
- Individual patrons are limited to one card per person.
- Checkout loan periods, renewals, and grace periods will be determined by library management.
- Fees
- There are no overdue fees for most ACL district-owned items with the exception of certain identified in-demand materials. The fee on these items is $1.00/day.
- A lost item or damage resulting in replacement of item will be assessed a replacement cost plus a $5.00 processing fee.
- Refunds for lost items returned in acceptable (circulating) condition after being paid for can be given only within 45 days from the date the item became lost, minus the processing fee.
- Accounts with materials overdue or lost may be blocked until the item is returned or replacement charges have been paid.
- Unresolved charges of $50.00 or more may be turned over to a collection agency and a $10.00 charge added to the account.
- Per Consortium agreement, no checkout is allowed on cards with a $10.00 or greater charge on the patron’s account.
- Terms of proper card use:
- Patrons may check out on any Consortium library card without blocks or charges that limit checkout by the following methods: library card, identification, card number.
- Responsibility for items checked out on a card falls to the account holder (or his/her legal guardian) regardless of who physically used the card to check out.
- Patrons must report lost/stolen cards immediately or are expected to accept responsibility for items checked out on their lost/stolen cards.
Right to privacy: The Board of Trustees of the Ada Community Library feels very strongly about protecting user privacy and confidentiality in both library material transactions and computer use. See “Right to Privacy Policy”, adopted July 10, 1991; revised August 19, 2003.
Adopted by the Ada Community Library Board of Trustees May 17, 2005. Revised February 26, 2008. Revised February 17, 2010. Revised August 28, 2018. Revised March 17, 2020. Revised August 25, 2020.
It is the policy of the Ada Community Library that the Display Cases at the Library are available free of charge to individuals or groups under the following guidelines:
- Library sponsored displays are given priority at all times.
- The display cases are available free of charge for individuals or groups engaged in educational, cultural, recreational, intellectual, or charitable activities. The cases are not available for political or commercial purposes except displays by the Friends of the Ada Community Library group. Displays must not conflict with any other established Library policies.
- Displays will generally be scheduled for two to four weeks. Recurring displays by the same group or individual will be discouraged for any groups/individuals other than the Friends of the Ada Community Library and for library related displays. Director approval is needed for displays lasting more than four weeks.
- Groups or individuals using the display cases must complete the Display Case Request and Waiver of Liability form which includes an acknowledgment that the requestor is responsible for the collection and that the Library has no responsibility. Only the signer(s) of the form will be allowed to add or remove items from the case.
- Exceptions to any of these policies must be approved by the Library Director.
- The use of the display case does not imply endorsement of the beliefs of that individual or group by the Ada Community Library.
Approved by the Board of Trustees, August 23, 1995
Revised, May 19, 2009
Revised, September 20, 2011
- InterLibrary Loan (ILL) is the borrowing and lending of materials between Ada Community Library (ACL) and libraries outside the LYNX Consortium courier system.
- Eligibility
- Anyone with a current ACL library card may make requests for ILL service.
- No ILL service will be allowed on cards with a $10 or greater charge on the patron account.
- Requests
- If ACL or other local consortium library does not have the material a patron requests, and after all resources within the library are utilized, InterLibrary Loan services will be offered.
- ILL requests are initiated through an online form provided on the library’s website
- Requests for photocopies of magazine, journal, or newspaper articles are available through ILL. These items are non-returnable.
- Rush requests will be taken at no extra charge, but ACL cannot guarantee loan or delivery dates. Patrons will be notified when ILL materials have arrived. ACL will protect user privacy and confidentiality in ILL material transactions as described in the Right to Privacy Policy.
- Limits
- Patrons are limited to 10 requests per card per month.
- ILL service is not available for copyright material 12 months from publication date, books on the bestseller list, or any items owned by ACL or courier-served LYNX! consortium libraries.
- ACL follows the provisions for fair use specified in the Federal Copyright Act regarding photocopies.
- ACL follows the LiLI Unlimited Interlibrary Sharing Guidelines.
- Requests for microfilm/fische materials will not be accepted.
- Fees
- ILL service is free of charge to patrons unless the loaning library charges a fee. The patron should indicate on the form the amount they would be willing to pay. ACL will borrow from libraries with no loaning fees whenever possible.
- Unclaimed loans will result in a handling fee of $4.25 per item.
- ILL renewals are allowed only at the loaning library’s discretion.
- Lost items will be charged at the replacement cost determined by the loaning library.
- ACL will absorb postage and insurance costs for ACL’s portion of borrowing.
- Eligibility
- Eligibility
- Any legally established U.S. library may request materials from ACL thru ILL.
- Requests
- Requests will be accepted via Standard ALA InterLibrary Loan format.
- Limits
- ACL follows the provisions for fair use specified in the Federal Copyright Act regarding photocopies.
- ACL follows the LiLI Unlimited Interlibrary Sharing Guidelines.
- ILL service is not available for current year copyright material, or books on the bestseller list. ACL reserves the right to determine what materials are available to borrowing libraries.
- Fees
- Overdue fines will not be charged to libraries borrowing ACL material.
- ACL will absorb postage and insurance costs for ACL’s portion of lending.
- Eligibility
Approved by the Board of Trustees, November 15, 2005
Revised, May 18, 2010
Revised, September 20, 2011
Revised, October 19, 2017
Revised, October 18,2022
Meeting and Study Rooms Policy
It is the policy of the Ada Community Library that the meeting and study rooms at the Library are available free of charge to any individual or group of citizens with the following understanding:
- Library sponsored activities are given priority in scheduling the use of the rooms at all times. Groups are welcome to schedule up to three months in advance but if a library need arises, the group may be asked to reschedule.
- The Library may cancel or modify existing reservations at its discretion
- The meeting and study rooms are available free of charge for public gatherings. The rooms are not available for commercial groups/individuals, or for money-raising purposes, with the exception of the Friends of the Library events. Meetings in the meeting room must be open to the public. Meetings of a closed, personal, or private nature are allowed in the study rooms and telehealth pod and may be scheduled in the meeting room at the discretion of the Branch Manager if the meeting room is available. Other areas of the Library may be available for meetings with approval from the Branch Manager.
- Groups are responsible for arranging the room as needed for their meeting and restoring the room to its prior condition at meeting’s end. Groups may post temporary signs to direct their group members to the meeting area, but they should be removed following the conclusion of the meeting.
- Meetings are to be scheduled during normal library open hours and must be concluded with room cleaned and vacated by the end of reservation time or 15 minutes prior to library closing time.
- Reservations must be made for using meeting rooms, online, in-person, or by phone. The reservation request form must include the name of the organization, time period desired, number of persons expected, name and contact information of the adult responsible, topic or nature of the meeting, and requested equipment. It is understood that inquiries concerning the meeting in question may be referred to the person signing the room reservation form for the organization. Multiple date requests will be reviewed by the Branch Manager and accommodated based on availability.
- Study rooms are intended for non-profit or educational-purposed use and may be signed in same- day or reserved on a week-to-week basis.
- In compliance with Idaho law, smoking and vaping are not allowed in any area of the Library including alcoves, foyers and patio. Alcoholic beverages may not be served. If refreshments are served, due care and consideration must be given to the preservation of the library carpet and furnishings. Each group shall be responsible for providing serving equipment and for cleaning up meeting area after use.
- Cleaning costs necessitated by the use of the room and/or damage to any equipment in the room will be the responsibility of the adult in charge of the group using the room or parent of minor using study room. A cleaning and damage deposit may be required at the Library Director’s discretion.
- The use of the meeting rooms does not constitute endorsement by the Library of the beliefs of that group or the viewpoints expressed during the meeting. The Library will not involve itself in the internal matters, governance or disagreements of groups using the meeting rooms.
- In the case of telehealth use the library is simply a venue. It is not involved in providing information and is not responsible or liable to the user or the health service provider.
- No group may list the Library as a partner or sponsor without prior express written permission from the Branch Manager or Library Director. All publicity relating to any program/meeting held in a library meeting room shall be cleared with the Library prior to release. Absent such permission, any printed or electronic advertisement or notification of a meeting to take place at the Library must include a disclaimer that the meeting or event is not sponsored or endorsed by the Library.
- Exceptions to any of these policies must be approved by the Library Director.
Approved by the Board of Trustees, August 23, 1995
Revised, January 20, 2004, Revised; January 20 and April 21, 2009; Revised, September 20, 2011; Revised, February 21, 2017; Revised June 20, 2017; Revised May 16,2023
The Ada Community Library has an obligation to its patrons to maintain an atmosphere conducive to reading, study, research, and the pursuit of life‑long learning opportunities. A person’s right to use the library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views. The library supports the rights of all individuals to use the library without discrimination; to receive friendly, courteous and respectful service; to have a clean, comfortable and pleasant environment; and to use the library undisturbed without threat of harm, invasion of property, or interference.
Library patrons are expected to use the library, including its facilities, grounds, resources and materials, in a responsible, appropriate, and courteous way. Irresponsible use is any behavior which either consciously or unconsciously violates, restricts, or otherwise negatively impacts the rights of staff or patrons using the library, or damages library materials.
The guidelines below are posted for the comfort and protection of all. The guidelines will be courteously but firmly enforced by library staff. If necessary, staff may call the Ada County Sheriff’s Department for assistance. Patrons who fail to follow the library’s guidelines and posted rules may lose library privileges, may be removed from the library, suspended for a period of time, and/or may face legal action.
Unacceptable behavior in the library, and supporting examples, includes, but is not limited to:
1. Any illegal activity, including theft, damage to, or unauthorized alteration of any library property.
Examples may include, but are not limited to: altering or damaging the setup of computer equipment or software; writing on library materials; cutting or tearing out pages from books, magazines, or newspapers; or damaging fixtures and furnishings.
2. Disorderly, drunken, disruptive, or threatening behavior, including behavior that may jeopardize the personal safety of library patrons or staff.
Examples may include, but are not limited to: cursing; making obscene gestures; threatening the personal safety of patrons or staff; transmitting or displaying threatening, harassing, malicious, or abusive language and/or images; fighting; climbing on fixtures; playing in and around the elevator; running, skateboarding, or rollerblading. Patrons with skateboards or roller blades are asked to carry, place, and/or store them so as not to create a safety hazard for other users.
3. Patrons carrying or displaying symptoms of contagious diseases or conditions.
Examples may include, but are not limited to, head lice, chicken pox, and pink eye.
4. Loitering.
Examples may include, but are not limited to: blocking library entry ways, vestibules, or staircases; and groups congregating on library grounds without permission of duly authorized library staff
5. Intoxication resulting from the use of alcohol or drugs or the use or consumption of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products or any electronic smoking device and/or vapor based products, in the library, including restrooms, or anywhere on library grounds, including parking areas, sidewalks, and curtilage.
6. Consumption of beverages without lids or food around equipment or sensitive materials, except during approved special functions.
7. Possession on library grounds of any deadly or concealed weapon except as expressly permitted by law.
8. Conduct, whether verbal, visual, or physical, that alarms, annoys, harasses, or impacts the privacy of other library patrons or impedes duties of staff.
Examples may include, but are not limited to: certain photographing or recording; being shirtless/shoeless; stalking; inappropriate displays of affection; excessive odors; aggressive petitioning or protesting; adults in the Youth Services area unaccompanied by a child and not engaged in library business.
9. Indecent exposure, harassment, or display(s) of pornography.
Examples may include, but are not limited to: unpermitted touching; attempts or threats of physical contact; solicitation for sex; display of sexually explicit images, including sites from the Internet.
10. Solicitation of donations of money, distribution of materials at the library, installation of any advertisement or election posters/signs on library property, peddling or vending, and panhandling, solicitation of signatures, distribution of leaflets, or protesting within 20 feet of entryways.
11. Production of excessive noise that is not part of an authorized library program and that disturbs others.
Examples may include, but are not limited to: loud talking, singing, or crying; repeatedly ringing cell phones; playing musical instruments; and use of televisions, radios, or music players without headphones.
12. Possession of animals or pets in the library except as part of an authorized library program. Accredited guide or service animals in harness or on leash for the purpose of assisting or accommodating a person with a physical disability are not subject to the foregoing limitation.
13. Presence in employee only/non-public areas of the library.
In addition, parents or other adults accompanying minor children are responsible for the behavior of those children. Parents or other adults accompanying minor children attending scheduled library programs are to remain in the library during all such programs. Parents and other adults are expected to control the children they accompany, not only for the safety of such children, but to show respect for other library patrons.
Any person who engages in any of the above-listed behaviors or any other unacceptable behavior is subject to immediate removal by library administrative staff. Individuals who engage in the above-listed behaviors or any other unacceptable behavior may also be subject to suspension from the library and/or legal action which may include exclusion. Any individual who is asked to leave the library as a result of the violation of these guidelines and who refuses to do so shall be considered trespassing and may be subject to arrest.
Any patron who has been suspended by the Branch Manager or Library Director may appeal the decision to the Ada Community Library Board of Trustees within thirty (30) days of the decision.
Approved by the Board of Trustees, June 24, 1998
Revised, August 17, 2004
Revised, March 18, 2008
Revised, May 20, 2008
Revised, June 15, 2010
Revised, September 20, 2011
Revised, November 20, 2013
Revised, July 19, 2022
Revised, January 17, 2023
It is the policy of the Ada Community Library that circulation records and other records identifying the names of library users are confidential in nature. Idaho Code 74-108(4) states that records exempt from disclosure include the “records of a library which, when examined alone, or when examined with other public records, would reveal the identity of the library patron checking out, requesting, or using an item from a library.” The records of private contributions to the library are also exempt from disclosure to the extent of any limitation that is a condition of the contribution. Idaho Code 74-108(4).
Such records shall not be made available to any agency of state, federal, or local government except pursuant to such process, order, or subpoena as may be authorized under the authority of, and pursuant to, federal, state, or local law relating to civil, criminal, or administrative discovery procedures or legislative investigative power.
The library may generate various forms of ephemeral records with patron phone numbers, addresses, and/or email addresses for administrative and/or various business purposes such as telephone or email reference requests and questions, patron hold requests, program requests, PC reservations, etc. These records may exist in hard copy or electronic form and are destroyed on a regular basis according to the Record Retention Policy.
The Library Director serves as the custodian of the records of the Ada Community Library but may appoint a designee to fulfill that duty.
Approved by the Board of Trustees, September 1, 1993 Revised, November 18, 2003; Revised,
September 20, 2011; Revised, October 17, 2023
Idaho statutes define “Public record” as including, but not limited to, “any writing containing information relating to the conduct or administration of the public’s business prepared, owned, used or retained by any state agency, independent public body corporate and politic or local agency regardless of physical form or characteristics.” Idaho Code 74-101(13).
Idaho law presumes that all public records in Idaho are open at all reasonable times for inspection except as otherwise expressly provided by statute. Idaho Code 74-102(1). Some of the exemptions from disclosure are set forth in Idaho Code 74-106 (personnel records) and 74-108 (patron and contributor information). Public records may not be used for the purpose of creating a mailing or telephone list. Idaho Code 74-102(5)(b).
Idaho law provides the right to examine and receive a copy of public records. This includes taking photographs of the records or asking for a certified copy. Idaho Code 74-102(1–3). Some fees may be charged (see below).
Public records request must be directed to the custodian of the records — the Library Director or other designated custodian — and must clearly indicate that it is a public records request. Idaho Code 74-103. A form is available on the Library’s website and may be submitted to
The decision to grant or deny a public records request must be made within 3 working days from the date of receipt of the request. Idaho Code 74-103(2). If more time is needed, the library must notify the requester in writing and must complete the request within 10 working days of the request.
If a request for a record is denied, in whole or in part, the Library must notify the requester in writing, and include:
- A statement that the library has either had its attorney review the request or that the library has had an opportunity to consult with an attorney regarding the request but has chosen not to do so;
- the statutory authority for the denial, and
- the right of the requestor to appeal the denial or partial denial and the deadlines for doing so.
Generally no fee will be charged for examining or copying public records, unless:
- The request is greater than 100 pages, at which point the Library will charge .05 cents for each copy in excess of 100 pages. [note, by law the fee charged cannot exceed the actual cost of copying.] The requestor cannot submit separate requests to get the page number below 100;
- If the time of Library staff required in responding to a request exceeds two (2) hours. Labor costs assessed must comply with Idaho Code 74-102;
- Complying with the request requires redactions to be made by or in consultation with the Library’s attorney. If this occurs, fees will be charged at the usual and customary rate of the Library’s attorney; or
- If the request requires providing an electronic storage device containing the public information, a fee may be charged equal to the Library’s direct cost of copying the information in that form or the cost of conversion charged by a vendor if converted from another form.
Fees charged must be clearly itemized, and advance payment may be required.
Under certain circumstances, a requestor is exempt from paying any fees. See Idaho Code 74- 102(f).
Approved by the Board of Trustees, October 17, 2023
Mission Statement
“Dreams, Ideas and Information”
The Ada Community Library is committed to providing a broad range of library materials and services offering personalized assistance for community residents, encouraging early literacy and life-long learning and increasing cooperation and resource sharing among area libraries.
Objectives of the Program Development Policy
- To further the Mission of the Ada Community Library
- To promote greater awareness of the Library and its services
- To guide staff in the development of Library programs
Responsibility for Programming
The authority and responsibility for library programs is delegated to the Library Director, who in turn, designates Branch Managers and staff whose job descriptions include program responsibilities or who are qualified for this activity by reason of interest, training, or experience. Suggestions from patrons are solicited and will be given consideration. Staff are strongly encouraged to develop library programs in cooperation with other agencies or community groups.
Definition of a Library Program
A Library program is any presentation given inside or outside of the Library, in person or by technological means, by a librarian or other presenter and sponsored by the Library or the Friends of the Library. It may be a one-time event or an ongoing series.
General Purpose of Library Programs
Library programs should be designed to increase the number of readers and users of the library and its resources. As such, they should appeal to and are promoted to both library users and non users. Programs should specifically further one or more tenets of the Mission Statement including support of early literacy and life-long learning. Library programs should provide a connection to the library collection and that connection is specified in all publicity, displays, and booklists.
While most library programs are open to anyone, programs are often specifically designed to appeal to one generation or another; may appeal to and/or educate about various cultures; or may respond to the interests of specific groups. Some programs may require pre-registration due to the nature of the program and the need to limit participants.
Library programs should meet the needs and interests of the public. They could meet specific early childhood development needs or offer school-age children and teens high quality social and educational opportunities. For adults, they may respond to current topics and/or issues or may provide cultural or social opportunities and extend urban opportunities to distant areas of the district. They may be offered in a variety of formats, such as readings, technology and media, lecture, discussion, theater, etc. Library programs should be designed and promoted in a manner to increase users of the library and to avoid duplication of programs offered elsewhere in the community.
Library programs should be educational, and often have specific learning outcomes. They may educate through entertainment and recreation, and should be connected to the collection or to library services. Library programs will be regularly evaluated regarding quality and content.
It is expected Library programs will be offered at times convenient for the target audiences throughout the week. For example, early childhood programming will be offered during weekday mornings, after-school for school aged children and teens, and early evening for adults or families. At its discression, ACL may cancel programs for reasons believed by the Library Director to be in the best interests of the health, safety or welfare of the library patrons, including, but not limited to, outbreaks of contagious diseases or conditions in the area.
Funding for library programs comes from varied sources, including the library budget, contributions from the Friends, grants from the Idaho Commission for Libraries, Idaho Humanities Council and Idaho Commission on the Arts, gifts from individuals, and via community partnerships, and in-kind funding.
Adopted by the Board of Trustees, August 19, 1998
Revised, November 27, 2007
Revised, September 20, 2011
Revised, November 20, 2013
The Ada Community Library provides access to recorded expression and information regardless of the formats or technologies in accordance with our collection development policy. Electronic information, services and networks provided directly or indirectly by the Ada Community Library will be accessible at no charge to library users subject to the library’s Internet filtering policies.
While the library will attempt to maintain patron confidentiality, it cannot guarantee patron confidentiality involving the electronic resources and services provided by the Ada Community Library. Patrons should be aware that the Internet is not a secure medium and that third parties may be able to obtain information regarding users’ activities.
The library is not responsible for any loss of data, damage, or liability that may occur from use of our electronic equipment and services, including with patron’s portable storage media and other personally owned devices.
The Ada Community Library does not endorse the viewpoints or vouch for the accuracy or authenticity of electronic information. Not all information available via the Internet is accurate, current, or complete. Users are encouraged to exercise critical judgment in evaluating the validity of information accessed via the Internet. Filters are in place as per the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) and Idaho Code § 33-2741. However, filters are not 100% effective. The Library assumes no responsibility for any damages, direct or indirect, arising from its connection to the Internet.
Certain activities are prohibited, including, but not limited to: harassment of staff or members of the public, including in matters of race, creed, color, national origin, gender, disability or sexual orientation; viewing, storing or transmitting pornographic images, messages, graphics or cartoons; downloading, duplication or sharing of licensed software; unauthorized access of others’ files or e-mails; and sending chain letters, spamming, transmitting viruses or malware, or email-bombing. Electronic system usage must not violate any local, state or federal laws.
Wireless access users agree to abide by this Public Electronic Use Policy. Additionally, all wireless access users are responsible for maintaining the security of their personal information and protecting their devices against viruses and spyware.
Use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right. Internet users violating the Ada Community Library policies specified above will have Internet access restricted immediately and may have Internet access restricted in the future. Violations of library policy may subject the user to penalties, up to and including criminal and civil penalties.
Approved by the Board of Trustees, January 23, 2003. Revised, September 21, 2004. Revised, October 21, 2008. Revised, September 20, 2011. Revised, August 28, 2012. Revised, August 27, 2015. Reviewed January 17, 2017. Reviewed July 16, 2019. Revised, July 19, 2022.
The intended purpose of Ada Community Library social media forums is to serve as a medium for communication between the Library and members of the public. Submission of comments by members of the public constitutes participation in a limited public forum. A comment posted by a member of the public is the opinion of the poster only; publication of the comment does not imply endorsement of, or agreement by, the Library; and comments do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the Library unless expressly stated by an authorized user.
Comments on the Library’s social media forums shall only be allowed when comments are consistent with the provisions of this policy. Posts and comments containing any of the following inappropriate forms of content are not allowed:
- Comments not topically related to the particular post, thread, topic or article being commented upon;
- Profane, obscene, sexual or violent language or content, or links to such;
- Defamatory or personal attacks;
- Threats of harm to any person or organization;
- Content that promotes, fosters or perpetuates harassment or discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, citizenship, physical or mental disability, genetic information, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression or any other characteristic protected by law;
- Solicitation of commerce, including but not limited to advertising for any business or product for sale;
- Comments in support of or opposition to political campaigns, candidates or ballot measures of any kind;
- Encouragement of illegal activity;
- Conduct that violates any federal, state, or local law;
- Information that may compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems;
- Content that violates a legal ownership interest of any person or entity, such as trademark, patent or copyright; or
- Confidential or proprietary information of the library or its employees.
- If activity listed in 4, 8, 9 or 10 occurs, employees must secure the information and notify City or County authorities.
Comments complying with these rules will be allowed to remain, regardless of whether they are favorable or unfavorable to the Library.
The Marketing and Publicity Specialist may edit, restrict or remove, in whole or in part, any content that violates this policy or applicable law. Content that is edited or removed will be retained in accordance with the relevant records retention policy. This content will be accompanied by a description of the reason it was edited or removed, the date and time of edit or removal, and the identity of the person posting the content, if available.
The Library may deny access to Library social media at any time and without prior notice to any person who violates these content guidelines.
These content guidelines will be displayed on the social media site and/or made available by a link to the Library’s official website.
Approved by the Board of Trustees, November 28, 2017
The Library has established a record retention schedule by which it retains and discards the records it maintains. Active records are to be kept in offices or stored electronically during their useful life. Inactive records are to be destroyed according to the record retention schedule.
Records Retained in Perpetuity
- Bylaws
- Historical files
- Library district charter
Records Retained for Ten Years
- Annual financial reports
- Annual state library report
- Audit reports
- Bond records
- Budget resolutions
- Building specifications and plans
- Board of Trustees agendas, packets and minutes
- Financial records, budgets, etc.
- Grant documentation, including e-rate
- Litigation files
- Personnel files
- Policies
- Public Employees Retirement System of Idaho reports
- Real estate records including leases
- Requests for legal services
Records Retained for Five Years
- Contracts, memorandums of understanding, and agreements
- Grants documents and awards
- Insurance policies
- Maintenance records
- Purchase records
- Requests for proposals and requests for qualifications documents
- Strategic plans and other planning records
- Vehicle purchase records
- W-2 and W-4 forms
- Workers compensation records
Records Retained for Two Years
- Accident and incident reports
- Financial statements and deposit receipts
- Benefits records
- Employee schedules
- Expenditure reports and budget tracking documents
- Gifts and contributions
- Leave balance reports after employee separation
- Maintenance records
- Patron records
- Patron purchase suggestions
- Patron requests for reconsideration of library materials
- Payroll and direct deposit records
- Program planning documents
- Purchase orders
- Receipts, bills and invoices
- Recruitment files
- Timesheets
- Travel records
- Vendor certificates of insurance
- Unemployment claim records
Records Retained Only While Actively in Use
- Audio and video recordings produced by the library
- Program plans and records
- Calendars
- Collection inventories and lists
- Email correspondence
- Employee notes
- Forms, applications and templates
- Grant applications not awarded
- Job descriptions and postings
- Library procedures
- Personnel performance notes
- Presentation materials
- Press releases
- Postage records
- Public complaints or suggestions
- Public records requests
- Signs, fliers and other promotional materials
- Social media posts and comments
- Staff meeting agendas and minutes
- Surveillance camera footage
- Surveys
- Time off requests
- Training records
- Text messages
- Voicemail messages
- Volunteer records
Approved by the Board of Trustees, October 17, 2023
Ada Community Library will take reasonable steps to protect user privacy and confidentiality in both library material transactions and in computer use.
While complete privacy cannot be guaranteed for our users, the library will take reasonable steps to avoid creating and retaining unnecessary circulation records and Internet use records. The library will address overdue notices to those individuals listed on a borrower’s account, and will give titles, authors and subjects borrowed, placed on hold or loaned from another library to those individuals. A parent or guardian may exercise an option to be advised of all materials borrowed by a minor child over which they have parental or guardianship rights.
The library may collect patron information, including phone numbers, addresses and/or email addresses for library business purposes, and for telephone or email reference requests, hold requests, PC reservations, etc. These hard copy or electronic records are destroyed on a regular basis according to the Record Retention Policy.
Unless materials are overdue, damaged or lost, state or federal laws are violated, or a legitimate court order directs otherwise, the library will take reasonable steps to protect each library user’s privacy and confidentiality. The process of requesting records may be found in the Ada Community Library’s Policy on Public Records Requests.
Adopted by the Board of Trustees, July 10, 1991; Revised, August 19, 2003; Revised, September 20, 2011; Revised October 17, 2023
Ada Community Library welcomes library use by minors and strives to create a safe, stimulating and appropriate environment for patrons of all ages. The library offers many programs and services that encourage minors to develop a love of books, reading, and learning. Staff members are available to assist with library materials or services.
Minors are subject to all library policies regarding acceptable behavior. Parents, guardians and caregivers, not library staff, are responsible for the behavior, supervision, and materials access of minors in the library.
For purposes of this policy, an unattended minor is a child or teen without a parent, guardian or caregiver to monitor their behavior and wellbeing. The term “caregiver” refers to an adult household member or relative, or guardian charged with the care and supervision of the minor. A “child” is defined as birth through 12 years; “teens” are defined as ages 13-17.
In an effort to ensure the safety and well-being of minors and maintain an atmosphere of constructive library use, the following criteria regarding appropriate use of the library by minors and their parents, guardians and caregivers is adopted:
- Minors of any age with mental, physical, or emotional conditions that require supervision shall be in sight of and supervised by a parent, guardian or responsible caregiver (16 years or older) at all times. The library will not determine the age at which an unattended minor may safely and appropriately use the library without a parent, guardian, or caretaker present. The responsibility for such a determination rests with the responsible adult. The library will not provide long or short-term child care nor provide constant surveillance of minors.
- Minors are expected to behave appropriately while at the library. Library staff will enforce library policy but cannot, and will not, act in the place of a parent, guardian or caretaker.
- If, in the judgment and sole discretion of the library staff, a minor of any age becomes upset, disruptive, or becomes a safety concern toward him/herself or others, the minor’s parent, guardian, or caretaker will be notified and directed to remove the minor from the library premises. If the library staff is unable to contact the minor’s parent, guardian, or caretaker, law enforcement authorities may be asked to assist the library staff in removing the minor from the library premises.
- If the library is closing and a minor is left at the library without transportation home, library staff will assist the minor in contacting a parent/guardian to arrange transportation. If at 15 minutes after closing a minor remains on site, local law authorities will be contacted and the minor will be placed in their care. Under no circumstances will library staff transport or take the minor away from the library building.
Approved by the Board of Trustees, February 15, 2005
Revised, July 17, 2007
Revised, April 20, 2010
Revised, September 20, 2011
Revised, September 19, 2023
Policy for Selecting and Discarding Materials
“Dreams, Ideas and Information”
We are a comfortable place for the community to connect, create and be inspired.
Objectives of the Collection:
Materials/resources will be selected for the collection to help fulfill the Mission and the Strategic Plan of the Ada Community Library. Books and other library resources of requisite and appropriate quality are provided for the interest, information, enjoyment, and enlightenment of patrons in the library’s service area.
The collection, taken as a whole, will be an unbiased and diverse source of information representing different viewpoints and cultures. The Ada Community Library selects, makes readily available, and promotes the free use of library materials, whatever the format, which:
- Meet the up-to-date informational needs of patrons in the community. The collection is not designed to support most in-depth research.
- Meet the basic recreational needs of patrons in the community.
- Supplement formal and informal study, homeschool study and literacy.
- Reflect a variety of opinions on a subject.
- Support business, cultural, recreational, and civic activities in the community.
- Stimulate self-understanding and growth; enhance basic job-related knowledge and skills.
- Increase knowledge of and participation in the affairs of the community, the country, and the world.
Authority and Responsibility for Collection Development:
The Library Board has delegated responsibility for the selection of library materials to the Library Director who, in turn, may appoint staff to assist. Authority for the determination of policy in the selection and acquisition of materials is vested in the Ada Community Library Board of Trustees. Furthermore, notwithstanding this delegation of responsibility to the Library Director and staff, the Board of Trustees reserves the sole and exclusive authority to determine what materials are obtained or retained in the library, irrespective of the criteria or objectives set forth herein.
Criteria for Selection:
The evaluation of materials is characterized by flexibility, open mindedness, and responsiveness to the needs of patrons of the library district. Materials are evaluated as a whole and not on the basis of a particular passage or passages. All acquisitions, whether purchased or donated, are considered in terms of the following standards. Clearly, however, an item need not meet all of the criteria to be acceptable. The following general criteria are used:
- Popularity as measured by lists, such as the New York Times Book Review Best Sellers, and Retailing Top Sellers.
- Critics’ and staff members’ positive reviews.
- Patron demand for the material
- Community relevance
- Suitability of subject, style, and reading level for the intended audience, including compliance with Idaho law (see “Controversial Material”, below).
- Insight into human and social conditions
- Creativity and imagination
- Current or historical significance of author or subject
- Diversity of viewpoint
- Existing subject coverage in collection
- Availability and accessibility of the same materials in other Treasure Valley area libraries
Patron Requests:
The library encourages its patrons to suggest items, topics, or authors they would like to see included in the collection. Patrons may submit requests using the online form. Serious consideration will be given to purchasing patron requested materials when these requests meet the above general criteria. Reviews or information about the materials will be considered prior to purchasing, or in the case of donated materials, before adding them to the collection. Requests not purchased may be met through resource sharing with other libraries, electronic retrieval or other means.
Requests to Add Self-Published Books:
If patrons wish to have their book added to the collection it is considered a donation, with the understanding that donations become the property of Ada Community Library. The library staff determine whether it becomes part of the library collection using guidelines set in this Selection Policy. Not every book received will be added, but may become part of the Friends of the Library book inventory.
Gifts of Materials:
The library appreciates and encourages donation of materials in good condition. The library accepts books and materials donated with the understanding that they become the property of the Ada Community Library. The library staff determine whether the materials are added to the collection using this Selection Policy. If not appropriate for circulation, materials may be made available to the Friends of the Library for their inventory, or disposed of at the library’s discretion. The library does not provide an appraisal for gifts; instead, a letter of acknowledgement for receipt of the number of items received is given to the donor.
Maintenance of Collection and Discarding of Materials:
The Library board has given authority to staff to evaluate and weed to maintain an accurate, current collection that is in good physical condition. Several criteria will be considered when evaluating the collection such as, but not limited to: physical condition, relevance and accuracy, usage, scope and duplication within the collection or in other area libraries, space considerations. Maintenance is ongoing and selectors formally evaluate and weed their collections annually. Material discarded from the collection are disposed of at the library’s discretion. Options include, but are not limited to: making discarded materials available to the Friends for book sales, offering to other libraries, or non-profit organizations or, for items in poor condition, recycling.
Controversial Material:
The library recognizes that some materials may be controversial to some patrons. The inclusion of an item in the collection is not to be considered an endorsement, official or otherwise, by the Library. The choice and use of library materials by patrons is a personal matter. Children and young adults have access to all materials in the Library, regardless of their location within the Library. Legal guardians are solely responsible for the materials minors check-out from the library. The Library does not act “in loco parentis.”
Materials selected for the collection shall comply with Idaho law, including those statutes on obscenity as well as those defining what is harmful to minors.
Reconsideration Procedures:
The Library recognizes the right and responsibility of individuals to choose their own reading materials. This necessarily permits an individual to reject materials for themselves and their minor children while preserving access to those materials by others.
The Library recognizes the right of the individual or group in the local community to make their objections known to the Library. Patrons wishing formal reconsideration of library resources must complete the “Request for Reconsideration of Library Resources” form, available at Service Desks and from the Administration Office. Patrons may also receive a copy of the selection policy if they wish. Requests for reconsideration are only accepted from Ada Community Library District residents for materials owned by Ada Community Library. The form must be completed in its entirety and submitted to the Library Director. The Director and relevant staff will determine whether the resource was appropriately included under existing library selection policy and check general acceptance of the resource by gathering available reviews of the materials, checking other library holdings, or conducting other research. Once a decision has been made regarding the retention or removal of the material, a letter will be sent to the patron explaining the decision. If the patron is dissatisfied with the resolution, they may appeal in writing to the Library Board of Trustees. The Board will receive this appeal request along with staff recommendations. After reading/viewing/hearing the item in question in its entirety, the Board will review the decision of the Library staff. The complainant shall be notified in writing of the Board’s decision. The Board’s decision on the matter is final. Generally, access to challenged resources shall not be restricted during the review process.
Approved by the Board Trustees, February 18, 1998
Revised, June 15, 2005; Revised, September 20, 2011; Revised, January 21, 2014; Revised, February 21, 2017; Revised June 20, 2017; Revised April 19, 2022; Revised October 18, 2022; Revised February 21, 2023.
Approved by the Board of Trustees 2/15/22
- This Policy outlines the use of vehicles for work used on behalf of Ada Community Library.
- Operators of Ada Community Library-owned or leased motor vehicles shall always drive safely, legally and courteously, remembering that they are directly responsible for maintaining both Ada Community Library-owned property and public trust.
- Employees are expected to operate vehicles safely. It is the policy of Ada Community Library to provide a safe working environment that protects our employees and our citizens from injury and property loss. The Ada Community Library considers the use of vehicles part of the working environment. The Ada Community Library is committed to safe and responsible employee driving behavior that reduces the risk of personal injury and property loss.
- This policy applies to all employees who operate vehicles on Library business. These drivers will be referred to as “employee drivers” and will be evaluated by managers and supervisors to ensure full implementation and compliance.
2) USE
- Vehicles owned or leased by Ada Community Library are to be used for the functions of Ada Community Library. Personal use or any other type of use must be authorized by the Director
- The Connect Branch is entrusted with the care and keeping of the vehicles and may assign that responsibility to an employee.
- Types of Vehicles
- Library-Owned Vehicles Employees must be authorized by their supervisor to operate a Library vehicle.
- Personal Vehicles on Library Business Employees who drive their personal vehicles on Library business are subject to the requirements of this policy including, but not limited to:
- Maintaining auto liability insurance with at least minimum state limits.
- Providing proof of liability insurance to the HR Dept. on an annual basis.
- Maintain vehicle in a safe operating condition when driven on Library business
- Each employee assigned to an Ada Community Library vehicle or employees who operate an Ada Community Library fleet vehicle are required to have a valid driver’s license. Should an employee’s driver’s license expire, be revoked or suspended, the employee shall immediately notify his or her supervisor. At the time of the suspension, the employee’s Ada Community Library vehicle-use privileges will be suspended until further notice. A supervisor must review the situation and determine whether to permit the employee to resume operating a vehicle on library business.
- Each employee assigned or permitted to operate an Ada Community Library vehicle shall be responsible for the following:
- Proper and safe operation of the vehicle;
- Service and maintain the vehicle in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations;
- Maintain vehicle registration, license plates and inspections; and
- Participate in vehicle safety and defensive driving training as required by Ada Community Library and provided by ICRMP.
Employees who may drive on library business will be evaluated and selected based upon their driving ability. To evaluate employees as drivers, management may:
- Review past driving performance and work experience through reference checks with previous employers.
- Review the employee’s Drivers License Record (DLR).
- Ensure the employee has a valid driver’s license.
- Ensure the employee is qualified to operate the type of vehicle he/she will drive.
Except as authorized herein, all drivers and passengers are required to utilize seatbelts as mandated by law.
The driver of an Ada Community Library vehicle, or any other vehicle being used for Ada Community Library business, is not permitted to use a mobile communication device, cell phone or computer of any type in any way prohibited by law. Drivers must be safely parked before using phone or mobile computer equipment. A mobile communication device is defined as “a text messaging device or a wireless, two-way communication device designed to receive and transmit voice or text communication.”
Smoking is expressly prohibited in all Ada Community Library vehicles.
The driver must not operate a vehicle when his/her ability to do so is impaired or influenced by: alcohol, illegal drugs or other illegal substances, prescribed or over-the-counter medication, or illness, fatigue or injury.
The employee driver is obligated to report to his/her supervisor any reason that may affect his/her ability to drive safely.
Employee drivers must make sure that the current insurance card is kept in the vehicle at all times.
- In the event of an accident, the driver shall, when possible, first check on the safety and welfare of all persons involved and seek immediate medical attention should it be required for themselves or others. If possible, move the vehicle to a safe location out of the way of traffic.
- Drivers shall always have a police officer investigate any accident that involves an Ada Community Library vehicle. This will help ensure that Ada Community Library is protected from unwarranted claims. Do not discuss fault with, or sign anything from, anyone except a police officer, a representative from ICRMP, or an authorized representative of Ada Community Library.
- Drivers shall notify their supervisor as soon as possible of the accident and report the extend of the injuries and property damage involved.
- Drivers shall cooperate fully with ICRMP Claims Department in the handling of the claim.
All fines and other criminal penalties due to violations of the law by the driver are the personal responsibility of the driver of either an Ada Community Library vehicle or a personal vehicle driven on library business. These costs are not reimbursable by Ada Community Library and must be paid promptly by the driver.
- Any Ada Community Library vehicle in need of repairs should be repaired in a timely manner. Decisions regarding the selection of a repair shop should be made in consultation with management.
2. The Library will designate a Volunteer Coordinator to oversee the use of volunteers. Each department that uses volunteers shall designate a Volunteer Supervisor to train and supervise volunteers.
3. A volunteer application form including a background check must be completed. The library will pay for the background check. Volunteers under age 18, including those conducting community service, will complete a Teen Volunteer application form (without background check) which must be signed by a parent/guardian and will be supervised by the Youth Services Department Volunteer Supervisor. Friends members, short-term volunteers, and Community Service workers are not required to fill out an application or background check. Court-required community service workers are referred to ACL based on our criteria regarding offenses.
4. Volunteers will be accepted only when there is a suitable task/duty match; when skills, interest, location, and schedule have been considered. Volunteers will be used on the premises of the Ada Community Library and its branches during regular library hours only. Exceptions may only be made by the Director.
5. Volunteers will not take the place of paid staff, and will provide special and supplemental services. Both the volunteer and the Library have the right to terminate the volunteer at any time, for any reason, with or without cause.
6. Each volunteer is asked to work an average of two hours a week for at least six months. Community Service workers are asked to work a maximum of two hours per day, but may work more than one day per week as needed.
7. Volunteers are expected to follow the same work and behavior codes as employees and patrons.
8. Volunteers will be required to read the Volunteer Manual and will wear a badge/lanyard identifying them as volunteers when working for the Library.
9. Volunteers’ hours will be recorded for each time they work at the Library for purposes of annual recognition or for the requirements of Community Service.
10. A volunteer’s application and login sheet will be destroyed after one year of inactivity; community service logs after six months. Teen volunteer work records may be kept up to three years for college application reference purposes.
Approved by the Ada Community Library Board of Trustees November 15, 2005
Revised May 18, 2010
Revised September 20, 2011