Tuesday, June 18th
Victory Branch Library
10664 W. Victory Rd.
and via Zoom
8:30 am
The Ada Community Library Board of Trustees held its monthly board meeting on June 18, 2024. Board members present were Melodie Huttash, Carol Mills, Steven Ricks, and Mary Anne Saunders. Staff members present were Mary Allington, Mary DeWalt, Alex Hartman, Eric Hovey, Anna Langrill, Molly Nota, Monika Pomper, Nancy Roberts, and Jamie Thill.
CM called the meeting to order at 8:33 am. - CONSENT AGENDA
A. Changes to the Agenda.
B. Approval of the Minutes of Tuesday, May 21, 2024 Board Meeting
C. Approval of the May Financial Reports
SR moved to accept the consent agenda, MAS seconded, and the motion carried. - DIRECTOR’S REPORT AND PUBLIC WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE
The Director’s Report featured information about Summer Reading, the project to enhance internet service,
and a generous collection donation. - UNFINISHED BUSINESS
A. Star Branch Library expansion update
A SILA committee representative discussed new plans for a 3-story building instead of just 2. The committee
will move forward with trying to house other rent-paying tenants in the larger structure. Potential community
partners are the Chamber of Commerce, Parks and Recreation, Senior Center, and Department of Health and
Welfare. The next step would be to meet with the other prospective tenants. There are new designs for a
parking lot that could accommodate 40 people. Future budgets should include personnel for this new building.
The committee will speak with the landlord about acquiring more space since the Pizza Hut lease has expired.
B. Hidden Springs Library expansion
A building permit is in review. The Library will need to provide information about the structural engineering for
the ADA ramp. The expansion consultant anticipates plans will be approved within the next couple of weeks.
There are 53 bids from contractors, and the consultant is currently vetting contractors.C. Selection Policy Review and Update to reference Children’s School and Library Protection Act
A brief discussion about the process resulted in agreement on simultaneous review with board and staff
without removal of all copies during the process and with a written statement provided to the patron that the
material is under review. SR provided amendments to the controversial material and reconsideration/relocation
procedures section of the policy. SR directed staff to research what other libraries are doing about books in the
current collection that may violate the statute and inquired about best practices when it comes to relocating
materials without a request from a patron.
SR moved to accept the amended policy, and MAS seconded. The motion carried.
D. Reconsideration Form revision
The Board reviewed the reconsideration form with the added word “relocation.”
MAS moved to accept the revised reconsideration form, and SR seconded. The motion passed. - NEW BUSINESS A. Annual business meeting items: Officers, bylaws review
The By-laws need to be an action item at the July meeting. The Board discussed board officer positions.
SR moved that CM remain president, ST remain vice president and SR remain the treasurer.
SR moved to keep board officers the same, and MAS seconded. The motion passed. - Executive Session Authorized under §74-206(1) re: Real Property. The executive session started at 9:40 am.
- Return from executive session, discussion, decision. The executive session finished at 10:08 am.
Agreement in the decision to pursue discussion with the landlord and authorize the GC to proceed with
The next monthly board meeting is TBD via email; CM and SR would miss the next scheduled board meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:09 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary DeWalt