Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Ada Community Library Lake Hazel Branch
10489 W. Lake Hazel Rd.
Streamed via Zoom
8:30 am

  1. Monthly Meeting of the Board of Trustees is called to order.
  2. Consent Agenda 3 min
    Consent agenda items are considered to be routine and are acted on with one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless the Board Chair, a member of the library board or library staff requests an item to be removed from the Consent agenda for discussion.

    1. Approval of the Minutes of Tuesday, January 17, 2023 Board Meeting
    2. Approval of the January Financial Reports
  3. Director’s Report and Public Written Correspondence 5 min
  4. Quarterly Reports    N/A      1 min
  5. Unfinished Business: 25 min
    1. Selecting and Discarding Materials Policy [Action Item]
  6. New Business:  25 min
    1. Annual report to the state – statistics presentation
    2. Facilities and Capital Improvement Grant (LoI required) [Action Item]
    3. Legislative update
  7. Date of Next Meeting and Adjournment 1 min


Interested Citizens are cordially invited to attend.
Public comment accepted only in writing in advance of the meeting.

The Board Meeting will be held in accordance with the Idaho Code Title 74, Transparent and Ethical Government Chapter 2, Sections 201-208, Open Meeting Law.

Citizens who prefer to view via Zoom please contact mdewalt@adalib.org prior to 4:00 pm 2/17/23 for login information.